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Tuesday 31 December 2013








Monday 30 December 2013

Goodbye 2013 Hello 2014!!!

Heyy Bloggers I apologise for not blogging for a while as I have been busy with Christmas festivities in which I very much enjoyed myself and I hope that all of you did as well But now as the new year is edging closer I would like to say Goodbye to 2013 and say a massive hello to 2014 and get the new year off to a good start. Usually bloggers I make a new years resolution to stop biting my nails but I am currently thinking to not make that resolution this year because by teatime on new years day that resolution has already been broken. However in the latter stages of 2013 I think I had a bit of a breakthrough because I managed to not bit my nails for 3 weeks :O

I think I have had a fairly good 2013 and even though it has had it's ups and downs like every year has I feel like mine has been pretty good I also hope that you have all had a fantastic Christmas and I hope you all have enjoyed being able to eat,drink and being merry and I also would like to wish a very happy 2014. Finally I would like to thank all of you for your support during 2013 and I hope that your support will continue through to 2014

Thank you Bloggers!!
Bye Bloggers!!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Rimmel's wake me up foundation

Heyy bloggers sorry I haven't blogged in a while but I have been so busy with uni and Christmas and things like that that unfortunately blogging has slightly gone the back burner. However now I have finished for Christmas I thought I better start blogging again.

 So as you may of gathered by the title today's blog is going to be about Rimmel's wake me up foundation which I purchased yesterday with my friend Danielle for the bargain price of £4.98p which is a massive drop in price as it is usually between the £8-£12 mark depending on which shop./store you purchase it from the store which i purchased it from was called savers which I assume is just a British store but if not please comment and let me know otherwise and in the savers store in my town they have a offer on all Rimmel London products which is all Rimmel products for under £5. I decided to purchase the wake me up foundation because I have heard lots of good things about this foundation and about its anti-fatigue effect I can tell you now that the effect actually works because the foundation has A slight shimmer therefore letting light reflect on your face and making you seem more awake. I think that it is a medium coverage foundation but it also has buildable coverage which means that you can build it up to a full coverage foundation if you would like to. the two best positives about this foundation is that when you wear it it doesn't feel like you have any foundation on however heavy the coverage is and even though this isn't a particular element which you look for in a foundation but the smell of this foundation is incredible I would describe it between mint with a slight hint of apple (red apple not green). The packaging of the wake me up foundation is also really classy as the foundation comes in a glass bottle which is quite rare with drugstore/high street foundation as only the higher end of the drugstore products seem to have glass bottles and it may look like it will only be the bottle with the foundation inside but it does come with a pump dispenser so that makes it easier to apply to your face with the correct amount of foundation that you need.
I would recommend this product to anybody I wish that I purchased this sooner it is the best foundation I have ever tried. 

Product rating 5/5
Well That's all bloggers I hope you have enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Saturday 30 November 2013

How Video games Have Changed The World

Heyy Bloggers well I have just finished watching A programme on channel 4 which was called "How Videogames changed the world" and I very much enjoyed it because I am in love with video games and video games and gaming has been in my life from year dot because like me my dad and my mum a little bit are also enjoy gaming. The first ever games console I came across was the Sega Mega Drive - which is not to be confused with the Sega Saturn because the mega drive had game cartridges and the saturn played CD-ROM games and when i saw my dad play on it i thought it was mystical how my mum and dad used to play the original sonic the hedgehog, PGA tour golf I and II and Ram rage and being able to see their reactions when they complete a stage in the game and also the reactions when they lost a life or the game. Now naturally as I have become a game lover especially platform and button bash games like tekken and anything sonic the hedgehog however I have also played on most platforms apart from PC because for some strange reason I haven't really been a fan of PC games.
I have played on everything from Playstation to Dreamcast to Xbox 360 (which is my current console) 
I would recommend that any gamer should watch "how videogames changed the world" because it goes through all of the significent games which have led onto some of the biggest sellers like grand theft auto,tekken,mortal kombat etc and tells you about how gaming has progressed since 1972 when "pong" was released until now 

that's all bloggers I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
P/S - If you would like me to blog about my gaming history then let me know down in the comments below!!
Bye Bloggers!!

Sunday 24 November 2013

The Christmas Decorations Debate!!

Heyy Bloggers well today I am wanting to ask you all a question...When do you think it is acceptable to have your Christmas decorations up?? I am only asking this because I have heard that people have already got theirs up and that some people have had theirs up since the beginning on November!! Now personally I think that is way to early however their is some people that only have them up 12 days before Christmas and the 12 days after as recommended and some people only have them up a couple of days so bloggers what do you reckon when do you think is the correct time to get your decorations out please let me know by commenting below!! 

At my house we personally put them up in beginning to mid December so that we have enough time to enjoy them but not to early However nine times out of ten we do take them down a little bit late because the recommended date is 6th January but most of the time that isn't the case

Well that's all Bloggers I hope you have enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Friday 15 November 2013

It's Children In Need 2013!!

Heyy Bloggers, well tonight it's finally Children In Need appeal night on the BBC!! yeah Pudsey,Blush and Sir Terry Wogan are back to raise money for all children's causes For those who don't know Children In Need is a 8 hour extravaganza where lots of celebrities come together to raise for money for children in need in Great Britain also the public can get involved by donating money via phone on 03457 33 22 33 and also via the website which is 
The main mascot for CIN (children in need) is Pudsey Bear and a few years ago who has been joined by a female companion named Blush and the way to tell them apart is Pudsey is a yellow coloured bear and Blush is a Brown coloured bear.

Also on my last post I said what a busy week I was having and on Thursday I said that I was in University all day well I was but afterwards I accompanied my nanna to a performance by the Halifax light Opera society of "Pirates of Penzance" Now personally the performance wasn't to my taste but my nanna absolutely loved it so not a complete waste.
so my week got a bit busier :)

Well that's all bloggers and I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
Also please support Children In Need if you can!! 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

What a busy week I am having!!

Heyy Bloggers well this week I am having such a busy week. and this is why...

Saturday - went to Fazanda's (great restaurant) with family and friends to celebrate my cousin's birthday 
Sunday - Went to St Anne's to see my aunty
Monday - Free Day
Tuesday - Best Friend's birthday
Wednesday - Blood test, yearly checkup and go to my aunty's for a birthday to celebrate my other cousins birthday
Thursday - University all day
Friday - University til 1pm and then BBC's Children In Need. also my cousin's actual birthday (which I celebrated on Saturday)
Saturday - Go and Visit my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday early and stay overnight
Sunday - Free day
Tuesday - Boyfriend's actual Birthday
*And Breathe*

Yepp that is how hectic my week is.....
Luckily I had sorted everything out in advance or else I would be running around like a headless chicken right about now but currently midweek everything is all well and good fingers and toes crossed that it will stay that way!!

That's all bloggers and I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! :D

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Christmas Shopping Almost Complete!! :D

Heyy Bloggers well yesterday I went to my local town with my nanna and only went for present bags and came back nearly finishing my Christmas shopping!! Hooray!! and I Have only two presents left to buy!! Stress averted :D and because of Boots 3 for 2 offer and Wilkinson's two for £8 offer have managed to get nearly all of my presents for £42!! BARGAIN!! I am very surprised and pleased with myself that I have managed to get the prezzies so cheap and l'll probably never get it as cheap again. Bring on Christmas day!! 

 If you can beat that please comment below!! 

That's all Bloggers 
I hope you've enjoyed Reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Thursday 7 November 2013

I'm On BlogLovin!!

Follow my Blog on BlogLovin

Heyy Bloggers I am now on BlogLovin and I would really love it if you would follow me!! Thank you for the continued to give me and are currently giving me with this blog and I hope the same amount of support will show on BlogLovin you can follow my blog by the link above.

Thank you and Bye Bloggers!!

I am a little bit annoyed!!

Heyy bloggers well today I am a little bit annoyed because I looked up yesterday about when my town of Halifax is going to have there Christmas light switch on which i found out it was on the 30th November then just for curiosity I looked up when Huddersfield and Bradford were having there's switched on because they are the next town and city after Halifax and I found out that they were having there's on 16th November....Now I know that this is not a thing really I should be getting angry over but I don't know why our council haven't put the switch on nearer to Bradford's and Huddersfield's date of their switch on's or why we are waiting two weeks after they have done there's until we have ours it just seems a bit weird to be honest.

Anyways Bloggers Rant Over 
That's all Bloggers 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Favourite Christmassy foods!! :D

Heyy Bloggers well today I am going to be doing quite a random post and because it is getting close to the festive season I thought I might tell you about my favourite foods during the festive season. by the way these are not in a specific order.
1. Pigs in Blanket
Well...this is quite self explanatory because it's sausage wrapped in bacon!! and what can be a better combination however unfortunately unless you make them yourself they are only made with small sausages :( I think you could even turn a vegatarian with those they are seriously that yummy!!
2.Roast potatoes
Roast potatoes are just yummy and I think that my grandad makes the best roast potatoes in the world literally but I don't even think I have tasted a bad roast potato even from the frozen roast potatoes i.e aunt bessies either so a pretty good edition to the dinner in my opinion 
3.English Mustard 
Now I know that not a lot of people like this but I really love English mustard and I think that it brings the necessary heat to the Christmas dinner and gives it a bit of spice 
4.Horseradish Sauce 
I know that not a lot of people like this either and that it is typically for use on red meat however this is basically an alternative to English mustard and it is very yummy indeed.
5. Brussell Sprouts 
I have probably cancelled out a lot of people when I said this but to be honest I don't know what people find wrong with them because all they are mini cabbages....Strange but they are extremely yummy in my opinion and I urge you to try them if you haven't done so already
6. Roast Parsnips 
Now I have only eaten these once and that was during the Christmas dinner last year and they were very yummy and quite sweet to be honest
7. Mushroom Soup
Now this is also courtesy of my Grandad because for a starter we have mushroom soup which he makes from a recipe book and it is absolutely delicious and It is that delicious that when we didn't have it last year I complained 
Now if you don't know what celebrations are they are a compilation box of chocolate including maltesers,twix,galaxy,galaxy caramel,milky way and galaxy truffle and it is a major treat for Christmas because that's the only time get them in my house :P
9.Chocolate Orange Segsations 
This is another chocolate compilation box but only with different types with of chocolate orange and the only time i can find them is Christmas time so I can't wait to find them.

well I hope that you have enjoyed that
Thats all bloggers

Tuesday 5 November 2013

My Online Shopping Arrived!! :D

Heyy Bloggers now I don't know whether I blogged this or not but about a week and a half ago I did my first bit of Online Shopping and now all the items that I purchased have arrived and now I am going to review the website which I bought the goods from which was Firstly I would like to say that delivery was within the time that the website that said it was going to be delivered by because instead of putting a collective delivery on all the purchases you have made because everything is from different venders the website estimates a delivery time for each item which you have purchased which I think is better because then there is no reason to wait over your delivery estimate because one of your items isn't ready but the rest are because of the group estimate. Also it's like a mini Christmas if you have bought multiple items like I did because they all come at different times and it's like recieving presents from yourself it's really nice. I recommend anyone to do it at least once if they are confident enough to do so because it is a different but pleasent experience.

The Items I Purchased Were:
1227 Qi Facts To Blow Your Socks Off
Mock The Week's : Funniest Book Of All Time
Adam Hills' Inflatable
Sonic Heroes for XBOX
Alan Davies' Lafter Hours

And I am very happy with all of my purchases all of them arrived within the delivery estimates that were given on the website and all of the items all were packaged in a jiffy bag (which is parcel paper with a bubble wrap undercoating) so that the items wouldn't get damaged during delivery also both DVD's that i purchased also came with cellophane around them to protect them even more which I reckon is very good service especially for what I paid for the goods. All the goods work perfectly  and are in perfect condition and was when they were delivered.

*if I did blog about trying out online shopping for the first time I apologise this follow up post has took this long It did arrive about a month and a half ago and I did start the post when all the goods did arrive but I did forget to finish it until now*
Well that's all bloggers bye!!

Christmas adverts/commercials have finally arrived!!

Heyy bloggers well the Christmas adverts have finally arrived on our television screens and i am very excited about this because I love christmas . However it is only bonfire night  and to be ,honest even though I love it I do think it is too soon for them my limit for them is November 6th a which is tomorrow because there is nothing else to take away from the advertising because between October 31st and November 5th. There is Halloween and bonfire night. However because it is coming near to christmas can only mean one thing for us in the UK it's I'm a celebrity get me out of here time again YAYY!! Some of the people that have been rumored to be entering the jungle includes Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian I personally do not think that either one will go into the jungle but you never know they might surprise us some more realistic rumored celebrities include Nina Wadia (zainab from eastenders) Vincent Simone (professional dancer from strictly come dancing) etc 
Also the weather is beginning to change but we can't complain about the weather that we have had here in the UK because We have had a fairly good and long lasting summer but from experience the cold has come as quite a shock because it has only began to affect us just this week so better get wrapped up warm :( also there has been no sign of snow making an appearance yet which will be a sign of relief. For everybody eventhough I do love the snow 
And finally next week I have a very busy week. On my hands because it's one of my bestfriends , my cousin's , my other cousin and my boyfriend's birthdays all in the same week phew!! Luckily I am all planned and ready for them all or else I would be running around like a headless chicken *and breath*

Well that's all bloggers bye!!


Tuesday 29 October 2013

It's Nearly Christmas!! + Christmas Checklist

Heyy Blogger's Sorry I haven't blogged in a while :( bad times However I wanted to talk to you about something I am really quite excited about IT'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS!!! HOORAY!! and before anybody asks I know that it's not even November yet but it is only 8 weeks until Christmas I know gone fast right? 
Christmas is my favourite time of year because everybody is cheery and really happy and everybody spends time with there loved ones during the holidays and it is really fun but there is three things that i love the most about this holiday and they are:
1. The Christmas Dinner - This is a brilliant part of Christmas because it is the biggest and greediest dinner of the whole year!! and don't worry blogger's it is socially accepted Also during Christmas people are more likely to eat whatever they want when they want....Which is just Brilliant!!
2. The Presents - Now I don't just mean receiving presents I mean giving them also because it is just really nice seeing people gaining happiness from the item/items that you have given them but also receiving them is also pretty cool especially if it involves something that you are really interested in.
3. The Parties - The Festive season is also Party season because we have Mad Friday (the friday before christmas) Christmas Day,Boxing Day,New Years Eve and New Years Day so more than likely you will be involved in one mass gathering involving family and friends which can only mean one thing!! fun times ahead.
Now I am going to give you a checklist of what you need to do to be ready in time for Christmas (also you don't have to do this specifically it is just a suggestion)
Christmas Checklist
1. From Now until 6th Nov - Check if you have any birthday's you have to buy presents for before and just after Christmas and buy them
2. From Nov 6 - Dec 20th - Christmas Shopping 
2a *if you have Christmas card's to send internationally during this time check the international posting date so that your mail arrives in time for Christmas*
3. 13th December- January 6th - Put your Christmas Decorations up
4. 10th-24th December - during this timespan go on your Christmas card run and deliver all your Christmas cards that you don't need to post 
5  1 week before Christmas - buy food ready for Christmas Dinner i.e Turkey etc
6 Christmas Eve/Christmas Day -prepare and cook the Christmas dinner 

Well that's it bloggers I hope that you enjoyed reading this and I especially hope that the checklist helped a lot 

Bye Bloggers!! :D

Saturday 5 October 2013

What A Start To The Weekend It Has Been!!

Heyy Bloggers well what a start to the weekend it has been because about 10pm Thursday night the electrical fairies decided to not like some of my street and decided to give us a power cut but bloggers you might think the powercut must of only lasted about an hour and then everything came back on and it was all fine NO! at 4pm the next day we finally had our electric back on and as I calculate that is after 17 hours!! later on we found out that the wires underneath the ground which give us electricity that had decided to blow up and made it break in half and thats why it was so weird because half of the street was on and half of it was without electric but it was all scattered around.

Also bloggers My online shopping parcels have started to arrive and currently what has arrived is 
1. Mock The Week's Funniest Book Of All Time 
2. Alan Davies Lafter Hours 
3. 1227 Qi Facts To Blow Your Socks Off 
But Still To Arrive is 
Sonic Heroes For XBOX 
Adam Hills Inflatable DVD 
so hopefully they will arrive fairly soon yayy!! 

Well That's all bloggers 
I hoped you've enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!!

Monday 30 September 2013

an amazing weekend + your opinions please??

Heyy bloggers, well this weekend has been absolutely amazing because i spent the weekend with my wonderful boyfriend and his family and it was very interesting and productive because I brought a couple of packets of haribos tangfastics and starmix and they were very and then we played a game which I brought called Sonic Generations and that was very fun because everyone got to play the game and got the jist of the game :) very fun times on the saturday we ended up taking over the house because his mum and dad went to town so me,my boyfriend,his brother,his sister and his sister's boyfriend decided to have dinner and then had the bright idea of going to the shop to get more haribos and then I suggested the idea of getting marshmallows to do the "chubby Bunny challenge" but we also bought two big packets of haribo goldbears and we also eat them and I ended up getting an immense sugar rush and honestly bloggers I have never had a sugar rush like it and I ended up going very hyper and getting very loud. However I did the chubby bunny challenge with my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend and i literally failed because I ended up getting 8 marshmallows in before i literally choaked and then he ended up getting 27 marshmallows in :O I mean OMFG!! I have never seen so many marshmallows in one mouth it was something quite spectacular and then we decided to play on the nintendo wii on mario and sonic at the olympic games (bejing version) and then we played wii sports resort and I ended up coming second in golf thanks to the last two holes going wrong for me and I was leading the whole game (Damn It) and then we did a group photo which was really cool and then I got really hyper again and decided to sit on my boyfriend's stomach and tried to squash him that was quite fun :D and then on the sunday It was time to go home :( but it was an amazing weekend nonetheless and I can't wait to see him again ASAP :D 

Also Bloggers I would like your opinion on whether you think I should go girly in my fashion choices for autumn/winter (Fall/Winter) because my style is like a rock chick style but I don't wear skirts or dresses hardly ever and I try to avoid them like the plague however as it is time to change my wardrobe for the upcoming season so i had a sneaky peak at the new look website and I saw quite a few dresses and skirts that I quite liked so....what do you reckon bloggers go girly or stay rock chick?? comment below please 

That's it bloggers I hope you enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!!  

Tuesday 24 September 2013

autumn and winter is setting in + new youtube favourites

Heyy Bloggers, well as you may have realised it is coming to the end of September which can only mean that autumn and winter is definitely setting in also bloggers did you know that it is only 13 weeks until Christmas and that currently a few shops/stores are starting to open up there Christmas ranges or started to preview their Christmas clothing.In Britain shops/stores which has started to do this include Argos,Boots,New Look etc I am just alerting you before it creeps up on us like it inevitably does every year so be prepared people. One thing which I am not prepared for every year is the change of temperature because it seems to hit us in one huge swoop unlike summer which gradually makes an appearance so that we are able to become a custom to the changes in the weather. Now personally I don't cope with cold weather very well and I don't particularly like it except when it is snowing which I love.

Another thing that I would like to talk about today is that I have started become fans of a few different youtubers over the past couple of weeks and they are Zoe AKA Zoella280390 or MoreZoella (side channel) Louise AKA Sprinkleofglitter or Sprinkleofchatter (side channel) Alfie AKA Pointlessblog or Pointlessblogtv or Alfiegames (gaming channel) 

I like these youtubers because these youtubers are really good friends and them plus there other youtuber friends like Marcus Butler, Louis Cole, Tanya Burr, Casper Lee like to vlog about what they like to do together and about there trips to vidcon and summer in the city and about some days out they have been on together and what occurred in them so i do recommend any vlog fans to check out these channels as i thing you all will find them really interesting and will enjoy them immensely.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers

Saturday 21 September 2013

Life update + a belated good luck

Heyy Bloggers sorry I haven't blogged in a while but i have been very busy because I have enrolled in Bradford University!!! Yayy!! I am doing a BA in working with children, young people and families and my proper lectures start on thursday :D however yesterday my mum and dad bought me the best onesie in the world ever from George at ASDA and it is a wonder woman onesie and I am wearing it now and it is super cool.
I have also been making more videos for my youtube channel and my latest video is about my 10 favourite things <<<<< link to that video!! (please watch)
I would also like to say a belated good luck to one of my best friends Katherine who has started her brand new job this week and I hope that she enjoys it very muchly!! You may know her as Katherine Elizabeth of ietcelizabeth or katie from Katieebeff (her Youtube channel) <<<<<< Here is a link to her channel for anyone that is interested 

and that is pretty much it bloggers hope you've enjoyed reading this :)

Bye Bloggers 

Monday 9 September 2013

World Cup Qualifiers 2013 :D

Heyy Bloggers, Well tonight is the World Cup 2014 Qualifiers and for the United Kingdom and Ireland  our fixtures are:
Luxembourg V Northern Ireland
Macedonia V Scotland
Austria V Republic Of Ireland
Ukraine V England
Wales V Serbia

Our Productive Day and Youtube Channel Update :D

Heyy Bloggers, I apologise that I haven't blogged in a while but I have started a Youtube channel and I have this week recorded a couple of videos to go onto the channel in which one of them was a best friend tag with one of my best friends Katherine. Also on the channel I have done a comedy DVD review video and I have also done the accent challenge so you can judge whether you think I have a accent. Also on my channel I have two welcome to my channel videos because I did the first one and then the day after I created a better welcome video and uploaded that as well as I thought that was better. There are more videos to come :) 

Whilst Katherine was here we didn't just shoot our best friend tag videos we also spent the rest of the day having a pamper day which basically was a mini facial :D and having a good gossip which was very fun later on that day we had curry for tea and we had a laugh with my parents about my mums faux pas about chesney hawkes and how katherine had an absolute disaster whilst house sitting and then she got a nice surprice when we had chocolate eclairs for afters we were both very happy about that.

so that was mine and katherine's productive day :) 

Katherine also has a youtube channel : Katie-Beff
She also has a blog too :

So go check her out!! and I hope you have enjoyed reading about our productive day :) 

Bye Bloggers!! 

Wednesday 4 September 2013

comedy reviews and Youtube Channel :D

Heyy Blogger's If you have viewed my blog before then you should know that I have an obsession with stand up comedy well...I have started a youtube channel and I have reviewed four dvd's of my collection and this is what I class as my first proper video on the channel. If you have viewed my blog before please watch my video's and comment below of any video ideas that you would like me to do and like and subscribe if you enjoyed it :D 

Hope you enjoyed it Bloggers <<<<<<<<< Link To My Video!! :D

Bye Bloggers

Monday 2 September 2013

The actual line up for Radio 1's Music Reboot and review :D

Heyy Bloggers, Earlier I was explaining to you about Radio 1's Music Reboot which was used to give off their 'Even More Music' month which will be running throughout September The full line up to that ended up as follows:

11am-12 Noon - Danny Howard - Dance Anthems 
12pm- 12:45pm - Matt Edmondson - One Hit Wonders (was shorter due to Newsbeat)
1pm-2pm - Jameela Jamil - UK Chart Number Ones 
2pm-3pm - Zane Lowe - Hottest Tracks 
3pm - 4pm - Huw Stephens - Best Of The Live Lounge 
4pm-5pm - Scott Mills - Happy Hour
5pm - 6pm - Dan And Phil - Your Requests 
6pm - 7pm - Phil Taggart And Alice Levine - Callaborations 

Which meant that Gemma Cairney was The DJ who didn't end up getting a slot in the reboot and her hour was going to be on 'Old Skool Classics'.

I really Enjoyed Radio 1's Music Reboot because I thought it was a good way to listen to DJ's that I haven't listened to before like Huw Stephens and Zane Lowe I also liked the anticipation of who was going to get chosen However, I would suggest that they don't do it randomly like they did I think they  people to text in like they were allowed but whoever gets the call back should be able to pick their favourite DJ out of the DJ's which are remaining in the green room. I really enjoyed being able to watch what was going on in the green room as the day progresses because they seemed to have a lot fun in there because they learnt how to dance, played twister they played Phil's Drawing game (Phil from Dan and Phil) Also I liked the fact that Aled from The Surgery was helping out and he did a very good job. 

I really Enjoyed the Reboot and I think this should happen once a month 

Hope you enjoyed it as well and agreed with my review 
 Bye Bloggers :)

Transfer Deadline Day and Radio 1's Music Reboot!! :D

Heyy Bloggers, Now many Football/Soccer fans will know today that it is Transfer Deadline Day which means today is the last day for football clubs to be able to buy players from other clubs and create loan deals for players from clubs. This is also the case in Europe. If you have viewed my blog before you should know that the team that I support is Liverpool also as many people will know (especially Manchester United fans) that we are top of the premier league after a 1-0 win at home against Manchester United with help with a 1-0 win from Arsenal at home against Tottenham This means that we are and will remain Top of the premier league for a fortnight due to the international break. *Celebrates and happy dances* 
Also today BBC Radio 1 are launching there 'Even More Music' month which will be running throughout September by having a music reboot. This has been happening since 11am (UK Time) and whats been happening is that nine Radio 1/1Xtra DJ's have been waiting to be randomly selected via text by us However There is 8 X 1 hour slots to fill but 9 DJ's and the current timetable is as Follows 

11am-12 noon - Danny Howard - Dance Anthems 
12 Noon - 12:45pm  (Due to Newsbeat) - Matt Edmondson - One Hit Wonders 
1pm-2pm - Jameela Jamil - UK Number Ones 
2pm-3pm - Zane Lowe - Hottest Tracks 
3pm - 4pm - Huw Stephens - Best Of The Live Lounge 


The DJ's that are still waiting to be selected are 
Gemma Cairney
Dan and Phil
Phil Taggart and Alice Levine  
Scott Mills

Please give Radio 1 music reboot a listen it has been really good so far and it is a chance for you to listen to DJ's that you haven't been able to before. 

Bye Bloggers

Tuesday 27 August 2013

apology gift :D

Hey bloggers I apologise for not blogging for a while and because of this I thought that I could give you as a apology gift....

Bye Bloggers!! 

Tuesday 20 August 2013

From Blogging to Vlogging

Heyy Bloggers, Today I could really use your help because I really would like your opinion because I'm sitting on the fence on whether I should start Vlogging or not. For anybody that doesn't know what vlogging is it means "Video Blogging" and the most common way to do this is through youtube. well bloggers should i? please comment below this post with your opinion and if commenting is not your thing i'm going to to put this question in a poll so that you are all able to help me!! 

Please comment and vote!! 

bye bloggers

Saturday 17 August 2013

the elephant in the room :D

Heyy bloggers well today is saturday which could only mean one thing it is the WEEKEND *celebrates* But today I'm going to talk about the elephant in the room.....The premier league season has begun!! *cheers* and it couldn't have started any better because the first game of the season of which it has just gone half time is Liverpool V Stoke City and if you have read and viewed my blog before you might know that Liverpool is the team that I support and I have done for 12 years and there is good news for me and any other liverpool fans out there we are winning 1-0  *Happy Dance* However there is still the whole of the second half left to play so it still isn't over yet.
and for anybody who aren't Liverpool or Stoke City fans other games in the premier league that are being played today are...

Arsenal V Aston Villa - We will see if Aston Villa can break a 27 game run by winning against the gunners today

Norwich V Everton - This is Norwich's first game in the premier league after being promoted last season. Also this is Everton's first premier league game without David Moyes as manager after being appointed as the new Manchester United manager after Sir Alex Ferguson retired last season.

Sunderland V Fulham - We will see today if the Black cats can break a four year streak by winning at home today against the cottagers 

West Bromich Albion V Southampton - We will see today if southampton and now England striker Rickie Lambert will make an appearance up front for the saints today, Also we will see if the Baggies could have a third successive win in this fixture today

West Ham United V Cardiff City - Today we welcome Cardiff City to the premier league with an away game against West Ham United in which the hammers have won 4 out of their last 5 games in this fixture without conseding a goal

Swansea City V Manchester United - We will see if Swansea have drawn the short straw today as they are first to face the current premier league champions Manchester United today. The one advantage that Swansea do have is that they are at home today. Lets see if David Moyes' new squad can get their first game under their belts

(all games listed here kick off at 15:00pm - apart from Swansea City V Manchester United which kicks off at 17:30om - UK time) 

Games for the rest of this weekend are:
Crystal Palace V Tottenham (13:30pm UK time)
Chelsea V Hull City (16:00pm UK time)
(these games are being played Sunday 18th August)
Manchester City V Newcastle United 
(this game is being played Monday 19th August at 20:00pm UK time)

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Sweeties cravings and food likes and dislikes :D

Heyy Bloggers tonight for most of the night I have been absolutely craving something sweet to eat which for me is very unusual because I like to snack on savoury things not because i do not like sweet things because I am and always have been from a young age obsessed with Haribo sweets (Goldbears,cola bottles,tangfastics etc.) but today I wasn't craving these bloggers Today I was craving CHOCOLATE!! :O which again is definitely most unusual because if i was going to eat any sweet thing it wouldn't be chocolate - not because i don't like chocolate because i do it's just my personal preference i don't eat a lot of chocolate <------- I know i'm a weird human being 
 but I also don't like baked beans <------- which pretty much seals the deal that I am a weird human being 

Other food related stuff that makes me weird include......
I like Brussel Sprouts 
I Only like melted cheese 
I like Prawns
I Only like the Yolk of the egg not the white
I like eating lemons/limes
I don't like peppers
I do like Chilli peppers 
I Don't like Tomatoes (fresh,tinned or soup or Juice )
I do like Tomato sauce and puree 
I prefer strawberry/chocolate/vanilla ice cream seperate rather than have Neopolitan

Anyway's bloggers I have just proved my weirdness to you all and I hope you all enjoyed it  Bye Bloggers :D 

Thursday 8 August 2013

Game reviews :D (Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection)

Heyy bloggers today because I have got the game Sega mega drive ultimate collection on Xbox 360. I have decided to give me own opinions on a few of the games that are on the disc and a few others......

The first game I am going to review is Alex Kidd in the enchanted castle when I was a bit younger i had a sega mega drive plug in to play system in which you only had to plug it in to the colours of your telly (red,white and yellow)  and then you could play the in-built games in the system which this was one of the games. On this system i thought that i played this game quite well and I enjoyed playing this game however on the version on this game on the xbox it feels like it has been sped up so not so good times because i couldn't get used to the speed :( 

overall i would like to give this game a 3/5 because it is a good platformer game in which it involves the use of rock,paper,scissors to get buy which is a unique element i haven't found since....But the graphics are terrible i know the game was first released in 1989 but for the collection version i thought they might of remastered the graphics a little

The second game I am going to review is Ecco the Dolphin Well I have tried to play this game quite a few times on the xbox and I cannot grasp the concept of this game because I just end up swimming around going through a portal and then not doing much else i'm afraid :( 

Overall I would like to give this game a 1/5 :( because I haven't been able to grasp the concept of the game

The third game I would like to review is Dr Robotniks mean bean machine this game is a nice change comapared to other games which are on the collection because this is one of the few puzzle games. this game is a little bit like tetris but with the sonic team persona because dr robotnik you may recognise as dr eggman in the titles 

Overall I would like to give this game a 4/5 because it is a nice change compared to other games that are in the collection and that this is a good calm puzzle game that can be played with all the family.

The fourth and final game i would like to review is Sonic spinball. This game is absolute GENIUS!! because it mixes sonic the hedgehog which i find is one of the best gaming collections of all time and pinball which is just cool anyway It still has the same aim as all sonic the hedgehog games which is to retrieve the chaos emeralds to transform into super sonic to defeat Dr Eggman and to save the animals in the process

Overall I would like to give this game a 5/5 because I really enjoyed playing this game and it combines two of the coolest things ever!! sonic the hedgehog and pinball  what more can you ask for? 

Hoped you enjoyed my reviews bloggers and i'll give you some more soon :D
Bye Bloggers!!

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Hair colour dilemma :D

Heyy Bloggers I want to change my hair colour again but I am not sure on which colour to choose so I was hoping bloggers that you could give me a helping hand and help me choose my next hair colour!! 
Well for you to be able to do this I better give you some background infomation on my hair colour history :D

  • I have coloured my hair before 
  • I have bleached my hair before 
  • I am naturally a brunette
  • I have shoulder length hair 
  • My hair is also quite thick 
  • I do prefer the unnatural/bright colours 
  • But I don't mind natural colours too much :D
  • My hair is currently a faded blue/black 
  • I used this to dye my hair blue/black (the Image above)
So please help me bloggers by commenting below this post your ideas or voting on my poll with your opinions and ideas and anything that you vote or comment or vote relating to this i will take on board and hopefully this will make my decision a little easier!!

Thank you Bloggers 

Monday 22 July 2013

Rule Britannia :D

Heyy Bloggers I know I usually don't do two blogs in one day but I think today deserves it because The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a baby boy today which weighed 8lb 6oz (3.6kg) at 4:24pm (British Time) The baby boy is unnamed and The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William) was there by the Duchesses side throughout however mother and baby are doing well. In other news Halifax's own 'Hurricane' Hannah Cockcroft managed to do the double today by winning the 100m sprint in the T34 in the IPC Athletics world championships in Lyon and she claimed her victory 1 and a quarter seconds infront of her next competitor. She made it the double today because yesterday she also romped to victory in the 200m sprint in 31.78 seconds just under two seconds infront of her nearest competitor making her world champion yet again.

Rule Britannia Bloggers :D

The Last Leg!! :D

Heyy Bloggers I have just found out today when The last leg is coming back to our screens and it's on.....Wedensday 31st July and the third series will be on for eight weeks and is still the comical threesome which are Australian comedian Adam Hills, Nando's Lover Alex Brooker and Dartmoor's Finest Josh Widdicombe I don't know who are the guests on the show however I will let you know who are the guests on the first show before the first transmission. I also don't know what time the show is going to be on either but again I will let you know bloggers :D

The last leg is Transmitted on Channel 4 (UK) and ABC1 (Australia) <----- Ten days after British Transmission (this happened in series 2 so I assume this will be happening again for series 3) 

Have fun watching bloggers :D

Wednesday 17 July 2013

A Quick Thank You Bloggers!!

Heyy Bloggers I would like to say a massive thank you to those who have viewed and that have got it to over 200 views I know that sounds like a small to some of you (especially those who have been blogging a long time) But I didn't even think that many people would view my blog and continue to view it so thank you bloggers :D :D 

My Entertainment Round Up :D

Heyy Bloggers Today I am going to give you my Entertainment round up of what is coming up in the world of TV and Radio Firstly on 2nd August at 9pm starts another series of sky 1 smash A league of their own which is featuring James Corden still as host who is also famous for playing the main character in the West end and Broadway hit One man two guvnors and co-writing and playing 'Smithy' in the BBC smash Gavin and Stacey 
and still involved are Team Captain's Jamie Redknapp Who's is the son of one of the Greatest English managers Harry Redknapp (Former Manager of Tottenham Hotspur) and for playing football for Liverpool, Bournemouth,Tottenham Hotspur and Southampton He was also Infamous for not playing for the full 90' mins in a football match and always being injured.
And Freddie Flintoff who was in the 2005 winning Ashes team in which England beat Australia. Which is the England cricket team he was Infamous in the tabloids for liking a drink and lost the England captaincy by stealing a pedalo boat whilst drunk. Redknapp Captains the red team and Flintoff the blue team.
Also returning is the blue team's regular panelist Comedian Jack Whitehall who doesn't know a lot about sport and is considered the most posh and considered the one to have more of a feminine side to the other members of the team.
The red Team does not have a regular panelist and hasn't had one since comedian John Bishop left the show at the end of series 4. This is broadcast on Sky1 HD
Also coming back to channel 4 this summer is The Last Leg in which Comedians Adam Hills and Josh Widdicombe and Sports Journalist Alex Brooker discuss the weeks news and ask the viewers by facebook and twitter to ask them questions about anything using the hashtag #isitok Both Hills and Brooker are disabled both being born without one foot (Hills - Right foot Brooker - Left foot) Brooker also has hand deformities The reason I bring this up is because the last leg was first broadcast for the 2012 Paralympic Games in London in where the presenters rounded up all the days highlights and gave their own comical twist. During the first domestic series of the show they covered the horse meat scandal, the Oscar Pistorious case, the growth in Romanian immigration to the UK. Also they have talked about Justin Bieber's Infamous lateness to a gig in London. During the show Brooker performed a rendition of East 17's 'Stay Another Day' because he auditioned for his school production of 'Charlie and the chocolate factory by singing this song and because of the popularity during the show of brooker singing the song Hills publicly asked for any members of East 17 to contact the show to see if they can all record the track with brooker and then release the single on Itunes with any proceeds going to charity. Alas this did not proceed as the week after the team realised it had already been done by Mariachi Doritos.
Also due to Annie Mac being on Maternity leave Canadian DJ B.Traits (real name Brianna Price) is currently taking over her Friday night slot which is between 7pm and 9pm on BBC Radio 1 before the 1Xtra merge begins at 9pm
B.Traits is also continuing to Present her Sunday night slot between 10pm and Midnight after the Surgery with Aled and Dr. Radha Also on BBC Radio 1
Also coming back soon to BBC one is sitcom 'Citizen Khan which is also returning for a second series in August.

That is what I am looking forward to in the future of Entertainment and I hope you are looking forward to them as well.

Enjoy Bloggers!!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Innuendo Bingo :O

Heyy bloggers I was watching the BBC Radio 1 youtube channel last night and I found the greatest game ever played on the radio and luckily they film it on the BBC Radio 1 webcam for the channel and it is called 'Innuendo Bingo' and the DJ called Scott Mills plays in extracts of mostly British TV and Radio shows which sound a bit rude and the players have to fill there cheeks with water and listen to the clip and when they find something funny in the clip they spit it out and the aim of the game is to hold the water in your mouth through the clip <------- (This Hardly Ever Happens) and get the less wet.
The Great thing about this Game is that you and a friend can play it together if you are prepared to get quite wet. All you need to do this is Two stools/chairs faced that so you are face to face with each other a large bowl or bin (for the excess water/spray) and plenty of glasses of water.
Some of the various participants of Innuendo Bingo currently include 
Olly Murs 
Zayn Malik (From One Direction)
Jessica Lowndes 
Rachel Riley (From Countdown)
James Argent (From Towie)
Max George and Jay McGuinness (From The Wanted)
Emily Atack (From the Inbetweeners)
Brian Belo (From Big Brother)
Amelia Lily
Gerard Butler
Nina Nesbitt 
Also the BBC Radio1/1Xtra have also stepped up to have a go this includes
Nick Grimshaw (the radio 1 breakfast show)
Gemma Cairney (1Xtra)
Alice Levine 
Huw Stephens 
Adele Roberts (1Xtra)
Sarah-Jane Crawford (1Xtra)
Sara Cox 
Greg James
Matt Edmondson
Fearne Cotton
Dan and Phil
Annie Mac 
Ace (1Xtra)

So if this interests you I urge you to check it out and search for 'Innuendo Bingo' on youtube or tune in on BBC radio 1 and its better if you check it out on the webcam on the radio 1 website and maybe.....Possibly give it a go with your friends :D But remember!! Be prepared to get wet!! and Be careful and Have fun Bloggers :D 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Stand up for the week!! :D

Heyy bloggers I have currently just got into a show which is currently being shown on 4music called 'Stand Up For The Week' which lets regular comedians have their unique views on the weeks news the show is currently into its fourth series and the current regular comedians are Josh Widdicombe, Andrew Lawrence, Sara Pascoe, Paul Chowdry, Seann Walsh and Jon Richardson and these are what they do 

Jon Richardson - Compere/Host 
Seann Walsh - Entertainment/Celebrity News 
Josh Widdicombe - Sports News
Sara Pascoe - Good week/Bad week
Paul Chowdry - Ethnic News 
Andrew Lawrence - World News  

other comedians that have been part of Stand Up For The Week included  Jack Whitehall, Andi Osho and Rich Hall. Also Jon Richardson and Kevin Bridges were part of the regular comedian line up before becoming the shows comperes (Bridges in series 2 and Richardson from Series 3 onwards) The only comedian who wasn't part of the regular comedians before becoming the compere was Patrick Kielty who was the host of the host of the first series.
Now that I have watched a couple of episodes both on 4Music and a couple of the older episodes on Youtube this is very slowly becoming one of my current favourite tv shows so I recommend people to check out this show if you are interested in having a funny take on the weeks news then please check it out!! :D 

Monday 1 July 2013

My sports round up :D

Heyy Bloggers sorry I haven't blogged in a while. However this week started the second week of Wimbledon and this saw Great Britain woman hopeful 19 year old Laura Robson been knocked out today in the fourth round 7-6 7-5 against Estonia's Kaia Kanepi Also today the World number one woman Serena Williams magnificiently got knocked out today against Germany's Sabine Lisicki scoring 6-2 then pulling back the second set to win that set 6-1 with Lisicki winning the third and final set 6-4 so Wimbledon 2013 is wide open in the women's grand slam Also today at Wimbledon Great Britain's male hopeful Scotland's own Andy Murray played his fourth round match against Russia's Mikhail Youzhny beating him in 3 straight sets winning 6-4 7-6 6-1  and he is due to face Spain's Fernando Verdasco in the quarter finals on July 3rd at 4pm (UK time) 
Also for Formula 1 fans this weekend was the British Grand Prix at Silverstone where Mercedes German Nico Rosberg took poll position Red bull's Australian Mark Webber took second and Ferrari's spaniard Fernando Alonso came third Great Britains own Lewis Hamilton took fourth place at the grand prix. This would also be Mark Webber's last trip to silverstone as a formula one driver before he leaves red bull at the end of the season to go compete in the Le mans 24 hour race for Porsche.
Also this weekend was the Confederations cup final which was played between the holders of the next world cup and Olympic Games Brazil and the current World and European champions Spain which ended in Brazil getting it's third successive confederations cup title taking Brazil to a total of four titles beating Spain 3-0  with two goals from Fred and one goal from Neymar.In the third place match between Italy and Uruguay that ended 2-2 at the end of the 90 mins and was taken to penelties where Italy took third place beating them 3 goals to Uruguay's 2

Monday 3 June 2013

It's June now!! :O

Hello Bloggers :) and white rabbit to you all (as it is a new month) well bloggers can you believe it it's June already!! and at 12pm midday on the 15th June we will be exactly half way through 2013 :O and during this half a year I have had a lot happen to me I have turned eighteen, I have finished my British Sign Language Level 1 course, Me and my boyfriend have had our 1 year anniversary, I have got my ID, I have had my first proper night out and I am going to be going to blackpool and going to see the comedian Jason Manford all before the 16th June :D :D 

Well anyway Bloggers I have had a fantastic half a year and I hope you all have too and here's to a fantastic second half to the year to me and to all of you whatever it may be :) 

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Did you know?

Heyy bloggers If you read my post yesterday you will know that i said I wanted to know your quite interesting facts or stories and that I would reward some Qi points (Quite Interesting Points) depending on how interesting I think the fact or story is well here is a few of my own :) 

Did you know?
That you can clean silver using Rhubarb
That you can Clean copper using Brown Sauce 
That to check if you have bought proper Silk material you have to boil the material and throw it onto a brick wall like the way you do to check if spaghetti is cooked properly
That Crabs have 10 legs not 8 and that is not including their claws
That the town of Burnley drinks the most 'Benedictine' in the world 
That it is against the rules for the players to drink alcohol during a professional game of darts

Now I have given you a few that I know please give me a comment with yours and you never know they may be some Qi points in it for you!! get thinking bloggers and good luck :D

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Thank You Bloggers!! :D

Heyy Bloggers I would like to say a big thank you to all of you that have viewed my blog and have given some or maybe all of my posts a read because now I have more than 100 views!! and lets hope that that carries on to go up as I post :D *fingers crossed* I hope that you have enjoyed what I have posted so far and I hope you will carry on enjoying it

As always I welcome suggestions on topics that you would like me to blog about or give my opinion on also I will still try and answer any questions that any of you have on my previous posts or on anything that you would like me to try and answer. As one of my favourite shows in Britain is Qi which stands for quite interesting which is presented by Stephen Fry and who the regular panelist is Alan Davies I would like to know of any quite interesting facts or stories that you have and I will try and post some myself. 

Anyway as I said before thank you so much Bloggers for the views and I hope you carry on viewing and I hope you will give me your questions and opinions on my posts past or present and I hope you will give me your quite interesting facts/stories and I might even award some Qi points depending on how interesting it is :D 
Good Luck Bloggers!! and Thanks again!!

Friday 24 May 2013

Half term time :D

Hello bloggers well it Great Britain it is half term week for people who go to school or college also it is some year 11's school leaving days and i hope you have the best luck for the future and I hope that what you have chosen to do with ya lfe whether it be college,sixth form,apprentiseship or even just going straight into a job I hope for the best for all of you!! :D 
However I would like to know whether having a week off for half term is only a British thing or whether other countries have this as well because I find it facinating how we have these week holiday's because when my parents were at school they didnt have these holidays 

so any ideas about this please give me a comment and tell me what you think??

Sunday 19 May 2013

Congratulations Denmark!!

Well the 2013 eurovision song contest came to an end on saturday night and I would like to say congratulations to emmelie de forest for winning with her song 'Only Teardrops' and it was a valiant win with a victory with 281 points!! and I will be looking forward to tuning in and seeing what Denmark can do next year with the eurovision song contest.
But I would also like to congratulate Sweden and the city of Malmo for putting on a fantastic show for both the semi finals and the spectactular final I thought that the presenter Petra Mede (who is a famous comedianne is Sweden) was very funny and kept people entertained and hyped up when the acts had finished performing. 
With Denmark winning the contest with regret that means that my prediction didn't come through :( good job I didn't bet on it isn't it haha. However Malta and the singing doctor Gianluca did come a respectable 8th  place overall so well done Malta.
United Kingdom's hopeful Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler finished in 19th place with her ballad 'believe in me' which is better than last years entrant Engerlbert Humperdinck by a whopping 7 places so well done Bonnie also she finished in the same place as jedward did when they represented in 2012 with 'Waterline' 
Even though they wasn't any nul point at this contest I would like to say commiserations to Ireland's Ryan Dolan for finishing last this year with 5 points  which I thought was surprising because I thought the song was good for eurovision and I thought it would have done better but Ireland is still the country with the most wins at the contest so lets see what you'll bring for us next year in Denmark.
Finally I would just like to say well done to all the participants for competing and well done Malmo for putting on a spectacular show and see  you next year in Denmark in 2014 

Goodbye Malmo, Hello Denmark :)

Thursday 16 May 2013

Eurovision Semi Final 2

Heyy Bloggers tonight was the second semi final of Eurovision 2013 in Malmo Sweden and tonight I got to find out whether my predicted winner Malta got through to the final which I'm glad to say that they that it did :) Luckily though I didn't put a bet on this at the bookies because it was right down to the wire on whether they would get through or not :/ 

Despite this I am from Great Britain so I am fully in support of our entry for the Eurovision which is 'Believe in me' by Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler I just think that the maltese entry is something different and unique for eurovision.

Bonnie Tyler's song 'Believe in me' is a classic eurovision ballad also she has fans all over Europe so maybe this could be a contender and maybe be the first time that we have won eurovision since Katrina and the waves won in Ireland in 1997 with 'Shine a light'

However the bookies favourite and the fans favourite to win this years eurovision is the Danish entry and it has been for a while before the semi finals were even broadcast so this is definitely a big contender.

Anyway what do you think? give me a comment about what you think are the contenders this year in Malmo or with anything Eurovision related. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Girlband Day :D -

Well today bloggers music wise i have been having a bit of a girlband day mostly consisting of the saturdays and little mix I sometimes do have these days where I just fancy listening only to one artist or one genre of music and that usually consist of having indie days where i listen to things like kasabian,the kaiser chiefs,the enemy,Ellie Goulding, Florence and the machine Etc. or I can have pop days where I listen to things like jedward,alphabeat,Alexandra Burke,Little mix Etc.

Anyway I was wondering what I should spend the day listening to next week so I have put a new poll down at the bottom of my blog with a few genres of music and I am going to let you decide bloggers!! 

Remember Bloggers CHOOSE WISELY!! and Please vote!!