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Saturday 5 October 2013

What A Start To The Weekend It Has Been!!

Heyy Bloggers well what a start to the weekend it has been because about 10pm Thursday night the electrical fairies decided to not like some of my street and decided to give us a power cut but bloggers you might think the powercut must of only lasted about an hour and then everything came back on and it was all fine NO! at 4pm the next day we finally had our electric back on and as I calculate that is after 17 hours!! later on we found out that the wires underneath the ground which give us electricity that had decided to blow up and made it break in half and thats why it was so weird because half of the street was on and half of it was without electric but it was all scattered around.

Also bloggers My online shopping parcels have started to arrive and currently what has arrived is 
1. Mock The Week's Funniest Book Of All Time 
2. Alan Davies Lafter Hours 
3. 1227 Qi Facts To Blow Your Socks Off 
But Still To Arrive is 
Sonic Heroes For XBOX 
Adam Hills Inflatable DVD 
so hopefully they will arrive fairly soon yayy!! 

Well That's all bloggers 
I hoped you've enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!!

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