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Monday 30 September 2013

an amazing weekend + your opinions please??

Heyy bloggers, well this weekend has been absolutely amazing because i spent the weekend with my wonderful boyfriend and his family and it was very interesting and productive because I brought a couple of packets of haribos tangfastics and starmix and they were very and then we played a game which I brought called Sonic Generations and that was very fun because everyone got to play the game and got the jist of the game :) very fun times on the saturday we ended up taking over the house because his mum and dad went to town so me,my boyfriend,his brother,his sister and his sister's boyfriend decided to have dinner and then had the bright idea of going to the shop to get more haribos and then I suggested the idea of getting marshmallows to do the "chubby Bunny challenge" but we also bought two big packets of haribo goldbears and we also eat them and I ended up getting an immense sugar rush and honestly bloggers I have never had a sugar rush like it and I ended up going very hyper and getting very loud. However I did the chubby bunny challenge with my boyfriend's sister's boyfriend and i literally failed because I ended up getting 8 marshmallows in before i literally choaked and then he ended up getting 27 marshmallows in :O I mean OMFG!! I have never seen so many marshmallows in one mouth it was something quite spectacular and then we decided to play on the nintendo wii on mario and sonic at the olympic games (bejing version) and then we played wii sports resort and I ended up coming second in golf thanks to the last two holes going wrong for me and I was leading the whole game (Damn It) and then we did a group photo which was really cool and then I got really hyper again and decided to sit on my boyfriend's stomach and tried to squash him that was quite fun :D and then on the sunday It was time to go home :( but it was an amazing weekend nonetheless and I can't wait to see him again ASAP :D 

Also Bloggers I would like your opinion on whether you think I should go girly in my fashion choices for autumn/winter (Fall/Winter) because my style is like a rock chick style but I don't wear skirts or dresses hardly ever and I try to avoid them like the plague however as it is time to change my wardrobe for the upcoming season so i had a sneaky peak at the new look website and I saw quite a few dresses and skirts that I quite liked so....what do you reckon bloggers go girly or stay rock chick?? comment below please 

That's it bloggers I hope you enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!!  

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