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Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Favourite Christmassy foods!! :D

Heyy Bloggers well today I am going to be doing quite a random post and because it is getting close to the festive season I thought I might tell you about my favourite foods during the festive season. by the way these are not in a specific order.
1. Pigs in Blanket
Well...this is quite self explanatory because it's sausage wrapped in bacon!! and what can be a better combination however unfortunately unless you make them yourself they are only made with small sausages :( I think you could even turn a vegatarian with those they are seriously that yummy!!
2.Roast potatoes
Roast potatoes are just yummy and I think that my grandad makes the best roast potatoes in the world literally but I don't even think I have tasted a bad roast potato even from the frozen roast potatoes i.e aunt bessies either so a pretty good edition to the dinner in my opinion 
3.English Mustard 
Now I know that not a lot of people like this but I really love English mustard and I think that it brings the necessary heat to the Christmas dinner and gives it a bit of spice 
4.Horseradish Sauce 
I know that not a lot of people like this either and that it is typically for use on red meat however this is basically an alternative to English mustard and it is very yummy indeed.
5. Brussell Sprouts 
I have probably cancelled out a lot of people when I said this but to be honest I don't know what people find wrong with them because all they are mini cabbages....Strange but they are extremely yummy in my opinion and I urge you to try them if you haven't done so already
6. Roast Parsnips 
Now I have only eaten these once and that was during the Christmas dinner last year and they were very yummy and quite sweet to be honest
7. Mushroom Soup
Now this is also courtesy of my Grandad because for a starter we have mushroom soup which he makes from a recipe book and it is absolutely delicious and It is that delicious that when we didn't have it last year I complained 
Now if you don't know what celebrations are they are a compilation box of chocolate including maltesers,twix,galaxy,galaxy caramel,milky way and galaxy truffle and it is a major treat for Christmas because that's the only time get them in my house :P
9.Chocolate Orange Segsations 
This is another chocolate compilation box but only with different types with of chocolate orange and the only time i can find them is Christmas time so I can't wait to find them.

well I hope that you have enjoyed that
Thats all bloggers

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