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Thursday 7 November 2013

I am a little bit annoyed!!

Heyy bloggers well today I am a little bit annoyed because I looked up yesterday about when my town of Halifax is going to have there Christmas light switch on which i found out it was on the 30th November then just for curiosity I looked up when Huddersfield and Bradford were having there's switched on because they are the next town and city after Halifax and I found out that they were having there's on 16th November....Now I know that this is not a thing really I should be getting angry over but I don't know why our council haven't put the switch on nearer to Bradford's and Huddersfield's date of their switch on's or why we are waiting two weeks after they have done there's until we have ours it just seems a bit weird to be honest.

Anyways Bloggers Rant Over 
That's all Bloggers 

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