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Wednesday 13 November 2013

What a busy week I am having!!

Heyy Bloggers well this week I am having such a busy week. and this is why...

Saturday - went to Fazanda's (great restaurant) with family and friends to celebrate my cousin's birthday 
Sunday - Went to St Anne's to see my aunty
Monday - Free Day
Tuesday - Best Friend's birthday
Wednesday - Blood test, yearly checkup and go to my aunty's for a birthday to celebrate my other cousins birthday
Thursday - University all day
Friday - University til 1pm and then BBC's Children In Need. also my cousin's actual birthday (which I celebrated on Saturday)
Saturday - Go and Visit my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday early and stay overnight
Sunday - Free day
Tuesday - Boyfriend's actual Birthday
*And Breathe*

Yepp that is how hectic my week is.....
Luckily I had sorted everything out in advance or else I would be running around like a headless chicken right about now but currently midweek everything is all well and good fingers and toes crossed that it will stay that way!!

That's all bloggers and I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! :D

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