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Tuesday 30 July 2013

Hair colour dilemma :D

Heyy Bloggers I want to change my hair colour again but I am not sure on which colour to choose so I was hoping bloggers that you could give me a helping hand and help me choose my next hair colour!! 
Well for you to be able to do this I better give you some background infomation on my hair colour history :D

  • I have coloured my hair before 
  • I have bleached my hair before 
  • I am naturally a brunette
  • I have shoulder length hair 
  • My hair is also quite thick 
  • I do prefer the unnatural/bright colours 
  • But I don't mind natural colours too much :D
  • My hair is currently a faded blue/black 
  • I used this to dye my hair blue/black (the Image above)
So please help me bloggers by commenting below this post your ideas or voting on my poll with your opinions and ideas and anything that you vote or comment or vote relating to this i will take on board and hopefully this will make my decision a little easier!!

Thank you Bloggers 

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