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Saturday 30 November 2013

How Video games Have Changed The World

Heyy Bloggers well I have just finished watching A programme on channel 4 which was called "How Videogames changed the world" and I very much enjoyed it because I am in love with video games and video games and gaming has been in my life from year dot because like me my dad and my mum a little bit are also enjoy gaming. The first ever games console I came across was the Sega Mega Drive - which is not to be confused with the Sega Saturn because the mega drive had game cartridges and the saturn played CD-ROM games and when i saw my dad play on it i thought it was mystical how my mum and dad used to play the original sonic the hedgehog, PGA tour golf I and II and Ram rage and being able to see their reactions when they complete a stage in the game and also the reactions when they lost a life or the game. Now naturally as I have become a game lover especially platform and button bash games like tekken and anything sonic the hedgehog however I have also played on most platforms apart from PC because for some strange reason I haven't really been a fan of PC games.
I have played on everything from Playstation to Dreamcast to Xbox 360 (which is my current console) 
I would recommend that any gamer should watch "how videogames changed the world" because it goes through all of the significent games which have led onto some of the biggest sellers like grand theft auto,tekken,mortal kombat etc and tells you about how gaming has progressed since 1972 when "pong" was released until now 

that's all bloggers I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
P/S - If you would like me to blog about my gaming history then let me know down in the comments below!!
Bye Bloggers!!

Sunday 24 November 2013

The Christmas Decorations Debate!!

Heyy Bloggers well today I am wanting to ask you all a question...When do you think it is acceptable to have your Christmas decorations up?? I am only asking this because I have heard that people have already got theirs up and that some people have had theirs up since the beginning on November!! Now personally I think that is way to early however their is some people that only have them up 12 days before Christmas and the 12 days after as recommended and some people only have them up a couple of days so bloggers what do you reckon when do you think is the correct time to get your decorations out please let me know by commenting below!! 

At my house we personally put them up in beginning to mid December so that we have enough time to enjoy them but not to early However nine times out of ten we do take them down a little bit late because the recommended date is 6th January but most of the time that isn't the case

Well that's all Bloggers I hope you have enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Friday 15 November 2013

It's Children In Need 2013!!

Heyy Bloggers, well tonight it's finally Children In Need appeal night on the BBC!! yeah Pudsey,Blush and Sir Terry Wogan are back to raise money for all children's causes For those who don't know Children In Need is a 8 hour extravaganza where lots of celebrities come together to raise for money for children in need in Great Britain also the public can get involved by donating money via phone on 03457 33 22 33 and also via the website which is 
The main mascot for CIN (children in need) is Pudsey Bear and a few years ago who has been joined by a female companion named Blush and the way to tell them apart is Pudsey is a yellow coloured bear and Blush is a Brown coloured bear.

Also on my last post I said what a busy week I was having and on Thursday I said that I was in University all day well I was but afterwards I accompanied my nanna to a performance by the Halifax light Opera society of "Pirates of Penzance" Now personally the performance wasn't to my taste but my nanna absolutely loved it so not a complete waste.
so my week got a bit busier :)

Well that's all bloggers and I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
Also please support Children In Need if you can!! 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Wednesday 13 November 2013

What a busy week I am having!!

Heyy Bloggers well this week I am having such a busy week. and this is why...

Saturday - went to Fazanda's (great restaurant) with family and friends to celebrate my cousin's birthday 
Sunday - Went to St Anne's to see my aunty
Monday - Free Day
Tuesday - Best Friend's birthday
Wednesday - Blood test, yearly checkup and go to my aunty's for a birthday to celebrate my other cousins birthday
Thursday - University all day
Friday - University til 1pm and then BBC's Children In Need. also my cousin's actual birthday (which I celebrated on Saturday)
Saturday - Go and Visit my boyfriend to celebrate his birthday early and stay overnight
Sunday - Free day
Tuesday - Boyfriend's actual Birthday
*And Breathe*

Yepp that is how hectic my week is.....
Luckily I had sorted everything out in advance or else I would be running around like a headless chicken right about now but currently midweek everything is all well and good fingers and toes crossed that it will stay that way!!

That's all bloggers and I hope you've enjoyed reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! :D

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Christmas Shopping Almost Complete!! :D

Heyy Bloggers well yesterday I went to my local town with my nanna and only went for present bags and came back nearly finishing my Christmas shopping!! Hooray!! and I Have only two presents left to buy!! Stress averted :D and because of Boots 3 for 2 offer and Wilkinson's two for £8 offer have managed to get nearly all of my presents for £42!! BARGAIN!! I am very surprised and pleased with myself that I have managed to get the prezzies so cheap and l'll probably never get it as cheap again. Bring on Christmas day!! 

 If you can beat that please comment below!! 

That's all Bloggers 
I hope you've enjoyed Reading this 
Bye Bloggers!! 

Thursday 7 November 2013

I'm On BlogLovin!!

Follow my Blog on BlogLovin

Heyy Bloggers I am now on BlogLovin and I would really love it if you would follow me!! Thank you for the continued to give me and are currently giving me with this blog and I hope the same amount of support will show on BlogLovin you can follow my blog by the link above.

Thank you and Bye Bloggers!!

I am a little bit annoyed!!

Heyy bloggers well today I am a little bit annoyed because I looked up yesterday about when my town of Halifax is going to have there Christmas light switch on which i found out it was on the 30th November then just for curiosity I looked up when Huddersfield and Bradford were having there's switched on because they are the next town and city after Halifax and I found out that they were having there's on 16th November....Now I know that this is not a thing really I should be getting angry over but I don't know why our council haven't put the switch on nearer to Bradford's and Huddersfield's date of their switch on's or why we are waiting two weeks after they have done there's until we have ours it just seems a bit weird to be honest.

Anyways Bloggers Rant Over 
That's all Bloggers 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

My Favourite Christmassy foods!! :D

Heyy Bloggers well today I am going to be doing quite a random post and because it is getting close to the festive season I thought I might tell you about my favourite foods during the festive season. by the way these are not in a specific order.
1. Pigs in Blanket
Well...this is quite self explanatory because it's sausage wrapped in bacon!! and what can be a better combination however unfortunately unless you make them yourself they are only made with small sausages :( I think you could even turn a vegatarian with those they are seriously that yummy!!
2.Roast potatoes
Roast potatoes are just yummy and I think that my grandad makes the best roast potatoes in the world literally but I don't even think I have tasted a bad roast potato even from the frozen roast potatoes i.e aunt bessies either so a pretty good edition to the dinner in my opinion 
3.English Mustard 
Now I know that not a lot of people like this but I really love English mustard and I think that it brings the necessary heat to the Christmas dinner and gives it a bit of spice 
4.Horseradish Sauce 
I know that not a lot of people like this either and that it is typically for use on red meat however this is basically an alternative to English mustard and it is very yummy indeed.
5. Brussell Sprouts 
I have probably cancelled out a lot of people when I said this but to be honest I don't know what people find wrong with them because all they are mini cabbages....Strange but they are extremely yummy in my opinion and I urge you to try them if you haven't done so already
6. Roast Parsnips 
Now I have only eaten these once and that was during the Christmas dinner last year and they were very yummy and quite sweet to be honest
7. Mushroom Soup
Now this is also courtesy of my Grandad because for a starter we have mushroom soup which he makes from a recipe book and it is absolutely delicious and It is that delicious that when we didn't have it last year I complained 
Now if you don't know what celebrations are they are a compilation box of chocolate including maltesers,twix,galaxy,galaxy caramel,milky way and galaxy truffle and it is a major treat for Christmas because that's the only time get them in my house :P
9.Chocolate Orange Segsations 
This is another chocolate compilation box but only with different types with of chocolate orange and the only time i can find them is Christmas time so I can't wait to find them.

well I hope that you have enjoyed that
Thats all bloggers

Tuesday 5 November 2013

My Online Shopping Arrived!! :D

Heyy Bloggers now I don't know whether I blogged this or not but about a week and a half ago I did my first bit of Online Shopping and now all the items that I purchased have arrived and now I am going to review the website which I bought the goods from which was Firstly I would like to say that delivery was within the time that the website that said it was going to be delivered by because instead of putting a collective delivery on all the purchases you have made because everything is from different venders the website estimates a delivery time for each item which you have purchased which I think is better because then there is no reason to wait over your delivery estimate because one of your items isn't ready but the rest are because of the group estimate. Also it's like a mini Christmas if you have bought multiple items like I did because they all come at different times and it's like recieving presents from yourself it's really nice. I recommend anyone to do it at least once if they are confident enough to do so because it is a different but pleasent experience.

The Items I Purchased Were:
1227 Qi Facts To Blow Your Socks Off
Mock The Week's : Funniest Book Of All Time
Adam Hills' Inflatable
Sonic Heroes for XBOX
Alan Davies' Lafter Hours

And I am very happy with all of my purchases all of them arrived within the delivery estimates that were given on the website and all of the items all were packaged in a jiffy bag (which is parcel paper with a bubble wrap undercoating) so that the items wouldn't get damaged during delivery also both DVD's that i purchased also came with cellophane around them to protect them even more which I reckon is very good service especially for what I paid for the goods. All the goods work perfectly  and are in perfect condition and was when they were delivered.

*if I did blog about trying out online shopping for the first time I apologise this follow up post has took this long It did arrive about a month and a half ago and I did start the post when all the goods did arrive but I did forget to finish it until now*
Well that's all bloggers bye!!

Christmas adverts/commercials have finally arrived!!

Heyy bloggers well the Christmas adverts have finally arrived on our television screens and i am very excited about this because I love christmas . However it is only bonfire night  and to be ,honest even though I love it I do think it is too soon for them my limit for them is November 6th a which is tomorrow because there is nothing else to take away from the advertising because between October 31st and November 5th. There is Halloween and bonfire night. However because it is coming near to christmas can only mean one thing for us in the UK it's I'm a celebrity get me out of here time again YAYY!! Some of the people that have been rumored to be entering the jungle includes Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian I personally do not think that either one will go into the jungle but you never know they might surprise us some more realistic rumored celebrities include Nina Wadia (zainab from eastenders) Vincent Simone (professional dancer from strictly come dancing) etc 
Also the weather is beginning to change but we can't complain about the weather that we have had here in the UK because We have had a fairly good and long lasting summer but from experience the cold has come as quite a shock because it has only began to affect us just this week so better get wrapped up warm :( also there has been no sign of snow making an appearance yet which will be a sign of relief. For everybody eventhough I do love the snow 
And finally next week I have a very busy week. On my hands because it's one of my bestfriends , my cousin's , my other cousin and my boyfriend's birthdays all in the same week phew!! Luckily I am all planned and ready for them all or else I would be running around like a headless chicken *and breath*

Well that's all bloggers bye!!
