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Wednesday 29 May 2013

Did you know?

Heyy bloggers If you read my post yesterday you will know that i said I wanted to know your quite interesting facts or stories and that I would reward some Qi points (Quite Interesting Points) depending on how interesting I think the fact or story is well here is a few of my own :) 

Did you know?
That you can clean silver using Rhubarb
That you can Clean copper using Brown Sauce 
That to check if you have bought proper Silk material you have to boil the material and throw it onto a brick wall like the way you do to check if spaghetti is cooked properly
That Crabs have 10 legs not 8 and that is not including their claws
That the town of Burnley drinks the most 'Benedictine' in the world 
That it is against the rules for the players to drink alcohol during a professional game of darts

Now I have given you a few that I know please give me a comment with yours and you never know they may be some Qi points in it for you!! get thinking bloggers and good luck :D

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Thank You Bloggers!! :D

Heyy Bloggers I would like to say a big thank you to all of you that have viewed my blog and have given some or maybe all of my posts a read because now I have more than 100 views!! and lets hope that that carries on to go up as I post :D *fingers crossed* I hope that you have enjoyed what I have posted so far and I hope you will carry on enjoying it

As always I welcome suggestions on topics that you would like me to blog about or give my opinion on also I will still try and answer any questions that any of you have on my previous posts or on anything that you would like me to try and answer. As one of my favourite shows in Britain is Qi which stands for quite interesting which is presented by Stephen Fry and who the regular panelist is Alan Davies I would like to know of any quite interesting facts or stories that you have and I will try and post some myself. 

Anyway as I said before thank you so much Bloggers for the views and I hope you carry on viewing and I hope you will give me your questions and opinions on my posts past or present and I hope you will give me your quite interesting facts/stories and I might even award some Qi points depending on how interesting it is :D 
Good Luck Bloggers!! and Thanks again!!

Friday 24 May 2013

Half term time :D

Hello bloggers well it Great Britain it is half term week for people who go to school or college also it is some year 11's school leaving days and i hope you have the best luck for the future and I hope that what you have chosen to do with ya lfe whether it be college,sixth form,apprentiseship or even just going straight into a job I hope for the best for all of you!! :D 
However I would like to know whether having a week off for half term is only a British thing or whether other countries have this as well because I find it facinating how we have these week holiday's because when my parents were at school they didnt have these holidays 

so any ideas about this please give me a comment and tell me what you think??

Sunday 19 May 2013

Congratulations Denmark!!

Well the 2013 eurovision song contest came to an end on saturday night and I would like to say congratulations to emmelie de forest for winning with her song 'Only Teardrops' and it was a valiant win with a victory with 281 points!! and I will be looking forward to tuning in and seeing what Denmark can do next year with the eurovision song contest.
But I would also like to congratulate Sweden and the city of Malmo for putting on a fantastic show for both the semi finals and the spectactular final I thought that the presenter Petra Mede (who is a famous comedianne is Sweden) was very funny and kept people entertained and hyped up when the acts had finished performing. 
With Denmark winning the contest with regret that means that my prediction didn't come through :( good job I didn't bet on it isn't it haha. However Malta and the singing doctor Gianluca did come a respectable 8th  place overall so well done Malta.
United Kingdom's hopeful Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler finished in 19th place with her ballad 'believe in me' which is better than last years entrant Engerlbert Humperdinck by a whopping 7 places so well done Bonnie also she finished in the same place as jedward did when they represented in 2012 with 'Waterline' 
Even though they wasn't any nul point at this contest I would like to say commiserations to Ireland's Ryan Dolan for finishing last this year with 5 points  which I thought was surprising because I thought the song was good for eurovision and I thought it would have done better but Ireland is still the country with the most wins at the contest so lets see what you'll bring for us next year in Denmark.
Finally I would just like to say well done to all the participants for competing and well done Malmo for putting on a spectacular show and see  you next year in Denmark in 2014 

Goodbye Malmo, Hello Denmark :)

Thursday 16 May 2013

Eurovision Semi Final 2

Heyy Bloggers tonight was the second semi final of Eurovision 2013 in Malmo Sweden and tonight I got to find out whether my predicted winner Malta got through to the final which I'm glad to say that they that it did :) Luckily though I didn't put a bet on this at the bookies because it was right down to the wire on whether they would get through or not :/ 

Despite this I am from Great Britain so I am fully in support of our entry for the Eurovision which is 'Believe in me' by Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler I just think that the maltese entry is something different and unique for eurovision.

Bonnie Tyler's song 'Believe in me' is a classic eurovision ballad also she has fans all over Europe so maybe this could be a contender and maybe be the first time that we have won eurovision since Katrina and the waves won in Ireland in 1997 with 'Shine a light'

However the bookies favourite and the fans favourite to win this years eurovision is the Danish entry and it has been for a while before the semi finals were even broadcast so this is definitely a big contender.

Anyway what do you think? give me a comment about what you think are the contenders this year in Malmo or with anything Eurovision related. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Girlband Day :D -

Well today bloggers music wise i have been having a bit of a girlband day mostly consisting of the saturdays and little mix I sometimes do have these days where I just fancy listening only to one artist or one genre of music and that usually consist of having indie days where i listen to things like kasabian,the kaiser chiefs,the enemy,Ellie Goulding, Florence and the machine Etc. or I can have pop days where I listen to things like jedward,alphabeat,Alexandra Burke,Little mix Etc.

Anyway I was wondering what I should spend the day listening to next week so I have put a new poll down at the bottom of my blog with a few genres of music and I am going to let you decide bloggers!! 

Remember Bloggers CHOOSE WISELY!! and Please vote!!

Eurovision 2013

Heyy Bloggers well it is eurovision time again and this year it is in Malmo,Sweden because of Loreen winning with the fantastic track Euphoria
The bookies and the fans favourite to win this year is Denmark but I think it's going to be Malta who wins it 
It was the 1st Semi final last night and it seems like a Female-orientated year for eurovision this year

But give me A comment on which way do you think this years eurovision is going to go or on anything else eurovision related :D 

Friday 10 May 2013

four picture funny stories :/

Heyy Bloggers I am now going to talk about The four picture funny stories that you see dotted around facebook,twitter etc that look like this...
Now in my opinion these things are one of the most unfunny and pointless things that has appeared on social networking sites in recent months because the ones that i have seen are either about rapping like this one above or teenage pregnancy and other different topics and I don't understand what's so funny about them :/ Anyway if you would like to share your opinion with me on this or anything I have put on my blog please give me a comment on the post below in which you want to comment on and I'll give it a read :D 

A Tribute...

Heyy Bloggers today I'm gonna post my Tribute today to Sir Alex furgason  Enjoy!! 

(To any manchester united fans that maybe offended by this apologies it was only meant as banter :D)

Thursday 9 May 2013

Doritos Crash Course 2

Hello bloggers me and my friend Danii were playing on my xbox today and I downloaded Doritos Crash Course 2 and I found it really enjoyable I recommend anyone with a XBOX to download this game It is free to download. However If you haven't played Doritos Crash Course before I do recommend that you download Doritos Crash Course (the original) so that you can get used to the controls ready for the next game before I find that the first game is easier than the second the first game is also free to download 

Have a go and see what you think and comment below your opinions :D 

Saturday 4 May 2013

New Poll Alert

Hello Bloggers I have put a new Poll down at the bottom of my blog and if you have seen the amazing and legendary film COOL RUNNINGS then come and vote because I am wondering what is your favourite cool runnings character? Mine personally has to be Sanka Coffie he is a comedic legend :D 

"Sanka ya dead"......... "Yeah man" 


Amazing or Not ?!?!?

Hello sorry i haven't blogged in a while but tell me what you think of this picture :D It made me smile and i think the combernation is AMAZING!! but comment and tell me what you think?!?

Pokemon and Gangnam Style together at last!! :D