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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Double Blog!!

Heyy Bloggers, well as you know i didnt manage to blog about yesterday's adventures as i was too tired and it was quite late when i thought about it so sorry bloggers about that. 

So lets start with yesterday....We in the morning after breakfast went down to the local shops and and searched for some potential souvenirs to take back to england with us. and yesterday two of my friends found a chinese market crammed with every kind of souvenir you could think so we all went in there and they were right. There were clothes, magnets shoes, glasswear,bags, purses and everything else that you could think of. Luckily we planned to go again during the end of the week because there is a lot of things that i could buy that we didnt have time for on our short visit and then for the rest of the daytime we just stayed around the hotel. After tea we watched the entertainment and it was a reptile show which wasnt any good and lasted only about 10 minutes and then later on we watched some circus performers and in my opinion was the worst circus i have ever seen and even the kids weren't that impressed.

Today all of us got up early and went to a different hotel linked to ours to go to the waterpark in that hotel and it was much more cooler (temperature wise) there which was more pleasurable for me considering  my sunburn and the water wasnt that deep so I managed to go for a paddle which was definitely refreshing. The waterpark in it's interity wasn't that big at all but it was nice to relax without the big danger of getting sunburn :) later on the entertainment it is bingo which is a very british thing which i am looking forward to immensely! and then afterwards there is a competition called ideal couple which i think is the hotels version of take me out a tv show that we have in the UK and it looks quite fun and the staff in the hotel said that was going to be fun.

so thats yesterdays and todays adventures in lanzarote!!
come back tomorrow for more adventures 
Bye Bloggers!!

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