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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Double Blog!!

Heyy Bloggers, well as you know i didnt manage to blog about yesterday's adventures as i was too tired and it was quite late when i thought about it so sorry bloggers about that. 

So lets start with yesterday....We in the morning after breakfast went down to the local shops and and searched for some potential souvenirs to take back to england with us. and yesterday two of my friends found a chinese market crammed with every kind of souvenir you could think so we all went in there and they were right. There were clothes, magnets shoes, glasswear,bags, purses and everything else that you could think of. Luckily we planned to go again during the end of the week because there is a lot of things that i could buy that we didnt have time for on our short visit and then for the rest of the daytime we just stayed around the hotel. After tea we watched the entertainment and it was a reptile show which wasnt any good and lasted only about 10 minutes and then later on we watched some circus performers and in my opinion was the worst circus i have ever seen and even the kids weren't that impressed.

Today all of us got up early and went to a different hotel linked to ours to go to the waterpark in that hotel and it was much more cooler (temperature wise) there which was more pleasurable for me considering  my sunburn and the water wasnt that deep so I managed to go for a paddle which was definitely refreshing. The waterpark in it's interity wasn't that big at all but it was nice to relax without the big danger of getting sunburn :) later on the entertainment it is bingo which is a very british thing which i am looking forward to immensely! and then afterwards there is a competition called ideal couple which i think is the hotels version of take me out a tv show that we have in the UK and it looks quite fun and the staff in the hotel said that was going to be fun.

so thats yesterdays and todays adventures in lanzarote!!
come back tomorrow for more adventures 
Bye Bloggers!!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Getting our bearings!!

Hey Bloggers, 
I am back as promised to tell you what we did today. so here we go!!

Well today was our first official full day in lanzarote so I woke up and got myself ready and then I went down to the restaurant to meet my friends for breakfast and i have got to admit it was a little bit too early for my liking but never mind. and when we got there i had bacon, sausage and a churro and then i had two pancakes with brown sugar and chocolate syrup on top and it was quite nice. I only say that because most of us didnt really rate the sausages too highly.

after breakfast we decided to go and have a walk around and we found a row of convenience shops where you could buy groceries, souvenirs etc and then we walked back and went into the pool. I only sat on the steps as I am not keen on swimming or water in general (i love drinking water though) but it was nice none the less and before we knew it it was lunchtime so we went and eat again but me and my friend found some braised steak  and it was absolutely gorgeous and because it was i got a little carried away and thought my stomach was bigger than my eyes and it turned evidently that it was not. 

Then we all decided to go back to our apartment to chill out before we had to come down for tea and then I realised that I had sunburn on my back and shoulders and a little bit on my arms (NO!!) but I had been putting on SPF 30 suncream on all day. that is how hot it has been. after I had had a shower and applied after sun all over my body that i could reach I had a siesta for a couple of hours and then i had tea (we went all inclusive) tonight the entertainment was a duo of spanish singers/muscians and they sounded really quite good and they sang both english and spanish songs unfortunately some of the english songs were quite dated in my opinion but they still played them really well.

And finally I am here....

See you tomorrow for some more lanzarote adventures!!
Bye Bloggers!!   

Saturday 6 September 2014

Flying To lanzarote!!

Hey bloggers, 
well today i did a very grown up thing I have just flown out on my first abroad holiday without my parents!! yes it was daunting and it would have been a similar experience for my parents also but I am now in as the title suggests LANZAROTE!! and what i have decided to do on here in a bid to help me start blogging again is that hopefully (no promises) every night i will blog about what we did on that day and today is no exception so here we go!!

Well today I was picked up by my friends at 10 am and then we went to pick up another set of friends and then we were off to Leeds/Bradford airport we arrived a little bit too early but check in was open so we went in anyway and checked in and that and security went all smoothly. and then came the waiting game because we arrived at the airport a little bit too early that meant we had to wait what seemed like an eternity (and to be fair it practically was) for our flight to get called to see what gate we were at and luckily it was not that far away. but unfortunately we had to climb the stairs to board the plane which meant going outside and like typical england it was really belting it down with rain. so that made the steel steps all wet (no I didn't fall) so that was not so great. when i finally took my seat i had a window seat (YES!)  because i love looking out of the window on planes it just looks spectacular and i knew i was in there for the long haul so i packed two books in my hand luggage they were 
1. Michael Mcintyre´s life and laughing 
2. Ant & Dec's Ooh! what a lovely pair 
The flight was around 4 and a half hours long and it was a little bit bumpy in places especially on take off but the captain warned us about that pre takeoff because of the bad weather we had back in england. 
I completely wore the wrong travelling clothes because i wore a jumper like top and some full length leggings and when we landed it was like a sauna it was 27 degrees at 7:30pm (yeah i know right!) we didnt really have any other issues really just that the cases took longer than planned and the transfer to the hotel took a little longer than planned but apart from that everything is great! 

a more informative one for you tomorrow, I am going to my room to continue reading my books :D 

Bye Bloggers!!