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Sunday 11 May 2014

DVD REVIEW!! - Bradley Walsh Live!

Heyy Bloggers

the DVD that I am going to be reviewing for you today is Bradley Walsh live this DVD was released Christmas 2004  and nowadays Bradley Walsh is more known for presenting the primetime quiz show the chase in which I reckon he is also very funny whilst presenting that especially when he has his "mini breakdowns" as I like to call them  when he thinks something is really funny during the show and he cant speak due to uncontrollable laughing this usually happens when the answer is either is slightly inappropriate or immature.
In this DVD however if you are used to him on the chase he is slightly more adult in this DVD as the language is quite strong as the DVD is a certificate 15 but he talks about everyday matters that people can relate to from family life to his childhood to holidays and he does it in this slightly sarcastic and moaning and quite matter of fact manner. He is also quite descriptive in his routines and it all relates to the point that he is making which I find quite good instead of going on a tangent most of the time. However one point of the DVD he does go on a tangent is where he is speaking about holidays and instead of saying brochures he says pamphlets and I find that very funny and her manages to inn cooperate this into the routine very seamlessly. The audience due interrupt him a couple of times during his set but he adlibs with the audience and he makes it work really well. the DVD is an 1 hour and 9 minutes long and in summary I thought it was very good and it made my laugh nearly every joke and I was very pleasantly surpriced

that's all bloggers
I would give this DVD a 4/5 and I would definitely recommend it to others

Bye Bloggers

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