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Monday 12 May 2014

I'm Going To Scotland!!

Heyy bloggers well this morning/afternoon became very interesting for me earlier as my cousin Alex has invited me to go to Glasgow with her on Sunday to go and see Katy Perry and I am quite excited about it as you may can tell :O This is my cousins Christmas present so to be invited to do that with her is very exciting

that's all bloggers I just thought I would tell you my spontaneous good news
Bye Bloggers!!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Comedy DVD Reviews :D

Heyy Bloggers,. Well today blogger's I am going to be reviewing 2 DVD's from my stand up comedy collection and then rating them out of 5. These reviews are completely my own point of view and I haven't been asked or paid by anybody to review these DVD's I am just doing this because I want to.

The First DVD that I am going to review is Jon Richardson - Funny Magnet 
The cover of this DVD looks like this.... 
I find this DVD quite a change from as the tone of this DVD is quite calming compared to a few other DVD's because Jon Richardson isn't hyperactive or really angry during some of there routines he is just known as being really grumpy and moans about the slightest niggle that plays on his mind and then he manages to overthink them and then take it out into the world and becomes even more irate when he spots it in the outside world. But the best thing about his annoyances they are at things that all of us become annoyed at from time to time i.e washing up many times on television and in this show he definitely states that he likes everything just so and everything has it's place. I find this a calming DVD because it is all done at a nice settled tempo and it is quite nice that he doesn't go and have a angry tantrum about his irritations and I find that to be easy watching. the certificate rating of the DVD is 15 which I do agree with as there is strong language used within this DVD and there is a couple of sexual references also used
The extras on the DVD is a live at the Apollo performance that does feature some of the material that is featured on the DVD
overall I enjoyed the DVD but the extras could use a bit work so I am going to give this DVD
main feature 4/5  Extras 3/5
The other DVD I am going to be reviewing today is going to be Joe Pasquale - The everything I have ever done & the first of many goodbye tours DVD

This DVD is a little bit unconventional because this DVD is a hybrid because it mixes comedy and magic!! of course its Joe Pasquale This DVD like all of Pasquale's work are old school family friendly Entertainment and this DVD I find very joyful to watch and the best bit about this DVD that anybody from the ages of 8-80 will be able to watch this and will be able to laugh at something within the main feature of the DVD The only problem I have with this DVD is that this DVD has a certificate 12 rating and if you have watched this DVD you will realise that there is 1 thing in the whole 90 minutes of the feature that would be acceptable for that rating I would have personally rated this DVD with a PG rating (Parental Guidance) 
The extra's of this DVD is a video diary of Joe on tour and what get's up to whilst travelling from venue to venue on the tour and this extra last's approximately 30 minutes which i find is long enough because any longer on that extra it might have became too long. The other Extra on this DVD is the show with an audio commentary from Joe himself don't see the need for audio commentary on DVD's especially if they are talking over there own show all the way through. 

I really like the main feature of this DVD a lot and I will give this 5/5 however the extras of this DVD are a tiny bit dissopointing so I am going to give them 4/5

that's all bloggers I hope you enjoyed the reviews
Bye Bloggers

Could You Do Me A Favour?

Heyy Bloggers

 now as you may have seen I have just posted my first DVD review Now if you would like to choose the next DVD I am going to review could you please comment down below this post either the number 1,2 or 3 and I will have a look and the one with the most comments I will review next week.

Here are this weeks choices

  1. Andy Parsons - Slacktivist
  2. Micky Flanagan - Back in the game
  3. Tim Vine - So I told this bloke
that's all Bloggers
Bye Bloggers

DVD REVIEW!! - Bradley Walsh Live!

Heyy Bloggers

the DVD that I am going to be reviewing for you today is Bradley Walsh live this DVD was released Christmas 2004  and nowadays Bradley Walsh is more known for presenting the primetime quiz show the chase in which I reckon he is also very funny whilst presenting that especially when he has his "mini breakdowns" as I like to call them  when he thinks something is really funny during the show and he cant speak due to uncontrollable laughing this usually happens when the answer is either is slightly inappropriate or immature.
In this DVD however if you are used to him on the chase he is slightly more adult in this DVD as the language is quite strong as the DVD is a certificate 15 but he talks about everyday matters that people can relate to from family life to his childhood to holidays and he does it in this slightly sarcastic and moaning and quite matter of fact manner. He is also quite descriptive in his routines and it all relates to the point that he is making which I find quite good instead of going on a tangent most of the time. However one point of the DVD he does go on a tangent is where he is speaking about holidays and instead of saying brochures he says pamphlets and I find that very funny and her manages to inn cooperate this into the routine very seamlessly. The audience due interrupt him a couple of times during his set but he adlibs with the audience and he makes it work really well. the DVD is an 1 hour and 9 minutes long and in summary I thought it was very good and it made my laugh nearly every joke and I was very pleasantly surpriced

that's all bloggers
I would give this DVD a 4/5 and I would definitely recommend it to others

Bye Bloggers

The Eurovision song contest 2014

Heyy Bloggers
well last night was the return of the Eurovision song contest 2014 and as most of Europe may know the winner was conchita wurst from Austria with the song "fly like a phoenix". so well done Austria and well done to everyone for competing in either the semi final and the grand final and it was yet again a fantastic show. My countries representative was Molly Smitten-Downes and she had a song called children of the universe which came in 17th place out of 26 which considering our recent form in the contest is an OK placing. so well done Molly! our commentators for the semi final was bbc radio 1's Scott mills and the I'm a celebrity get me out of here now presenter Laura Whitmore and for the grand final our commentator was Graham Norton in which made a few jokes of the actual Danish hosts of the contest but they managed to get him back at surprise him when they said thank you to all of the commentators and  brought the television camera into his booth and sprayed confetti all over his booth and him.
In this years Eurovision this year was pretty much dominated by ballads or slower paced songs which kind of disappointed me as I quite like the faster songs and the novelty acts that to me is only unique to Eurovision and this year in my opinion I found that most of the acts took it too seriously  Also this year on the bbc red button service we had the return of the sing along feature which I quite enjoy as when any of the songs come on the lyrics come onto the screen and you can sing along in either the original language the song is in our in English.
unfortunately the country in last place this year was France with a song called "moustache" which gained a grand total of 2 points which I though was quite unfair because to be honest I quite liked the song and I found it quite funny
another one of my favourites was Iceland's entry from Pollaponk  unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the song but it was quite a jazzy number and was about stopping prejudice and they were wearing block colours on stage and even off stage in there other clothing i.e onesies and I found that quite refreshing. Another surprise of the contest well to me anyway was that Ireland failed to qualify for the grand final in which they have only failed to qualify for four years since they started entering the contest.
Hosting the actual show from Copenhagen in Denmark was two male presenters and one female presenter now I quite liked the male presenters I thought they bounced well off of each other but however the female presenter was quite wooden  but she did do a good job nonetheless.
That's all bloggers and thank you Copenhagen for putting on a marvellous show and see you next year in Austria :)
Bye Bloggers

I'm back!!

Heyy bloggers I apologise for not blogging in  a extremely long time but I have been extremely busy with other preoccupying things but now I am back and what I have decided to do is once a week now on this blog I am going to review a DVD. for the foreseeable future these DVD's are going to be stand up comedy DVD's as I bought 7 new stand up DVD's recently as that is my favourite type of DVD
Well that's it bloggers I hope you enjoy this new series
Bye Bloggers!!